Friday, April 20, 2012

Good Morning America versus The Today Show

For the week April 9-13, Good Morning America had 31,000 more viewers than The Today Show.  This week's viewership broke The Today Show's record of being the number one viewed morning news program for the first time in 16 years!!! There are many speculations as to what was the reason (from that Matt Lauer was on vacation to the view that the Good Morning America viewership has been growing over the past years and it was time).  The real reason (and really, I actually believe this to be true):  Tim Tebow.  His interview with Robin Roberts aired on April 13th.  The Tebowmania continues!! I myself (as well as my sister and our 3 friends) got up early just to watch his interview; I usually watch The Today Show every morning.  This is consumer behavior to the core: the product (Tebow) has created consumption choices in previously unseen areas (Good Morning America) and a loyal fan base that will continue to consume products that are associated with the product, even if it is uncharacteristic of the consumer.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Let the games begin!!

Well, today was the release of the 2012 NFL regular game schedule.  And now is the time where fans everywhere are beginning to plan trips and purchases.  I myself am planning ahead to November 11.  Funny thing is that up until this past week, the only dates I have been looking at is May 5th (graduation) and July 2nd (the start of my new job and life).  Who knows what my friends have planned or where they will be or if they can go; but yet, we have already set aside a date that is 7 months from now.  But then again, it is consumer behavior in a nut shell (brand loyalty, fanatic, culture, filling different needs, etc...).


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Friday, April 13, 2012

Seattle is....

While in Seattle, I happened to be at a Starbucks right across from Pike Place Market while it was raining. Does it get more Seattle than that?  And as I said that to myself, I thought how that is totally consumer behavior.  People have to go to a Starbucks in Seattle (maybe even more since they will want to go to the original Starbucks).  And it is then that the brand takes on a personality.  Although it was down-pouring, there were so many people about shopping, etc...  Seattle can play on that.  (There was also a shirt store with Seattle Grace written on it...and from Grey's Anatomy, Seattle began to have a change of its brand personality).

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Monday, March 26, 2012

Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions - all on a PIZZA??

I saw this commercial today for Papa Murphy's.  I understand the need to be innovative (Papa Murphy's has innovation with the take-n-bake product) and to create new products, but a bacon cheeseburger pizza?  Wait, wait, let me explain.  The bacon cheeseburger sounds fine, until you add pickles.  I LOVE pickles (pretty much any kind) but not hot, not out of the oven, and DEFINITELY not on my pizza!!!



 Tasty, huh?

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Titanic Re-Release

As mentioned in class today, the two trailers are different for the re-release of Titanic in 3D.  Here one of the original trailers from 1997.

And now here is the trailer for the upcoming re-release.


Notice the similarities and notice the differences....the content really isn't TOO different (however, the first trailer does go through more detail of the entire plot and also lists the actors in the film due to it never having been seen ).  The one noticeable difference for me comes at 1:00 and 1:37 in the new trailer.  Did you notice it?  Listen again...
It may be because I am a music student.  Notice the popularity that was created after the movie for "My Heart Will Go On."  It is now featured in the trailer (even if just the music) and before the music was more climactic, action music.  Because of its popularity, people only need to hear that song and they already are thinking Titanic.  I was in a different room from the TV last night and heard Celine Dion singing....right away, I knew what was on the TV.  It has become part of the brand that is TITANIC.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Happy Birthday, Oreo!

With the birthday of Oreo (March 6), how can you not help but eat an Oreo? Here are some fun facts about and recipes with Oreos.  My childhood, like many other's, would not have been complete without Oreos!

 But which Oreo should you buy?  There are 9, odd, international flavors you could buy. Or there is the traditional Double Stuf (my personal fav). 

But how should you eat an Oreo? Do you dunk it or twist-and-lick?


IT DOESN'T long as you celebrate Oreo's 100th birthday!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Now boarding first class...

This NY Times article explains how a Dutch airline (KLM) helps decrease the anxiety of traveling by yourself by letting you select who you sit next to based on their LinkedIn or Facebook profile...Innovative? Yes.  Neat? I don't know. Creepy...YES!! Imagine sitting down in your seat that the person next to you knows that you are getting a degree at MSU, asks if that is where you found your internship at ____, and that your family is amazing...CREEPY!!!!!!

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Target's new service: Baby announcements!

Forget about "Big Brother," what about Target?  On the Today Show, February 28, 2012,  a segment discussed how Target knew that a girl was pregant before her parents did.  How is this possible?? Target had done an analysis of which products new parents tend to buy when they are expecting.  In this case, a girl received coupons for baby prodcuts based on her purchases that showed she was pregnant.  One problem--Mom and Dad didn't know.  Guess the cat's out of the bag now.
But what does this show us?  We have always known that companies have TONS of information about our lives (almost more than we do).  But this is where it is tricky...where do marketers draw the line?  Obviously this gal did NOT want her parents finding out she was pregnant from Target.  What do you think?  How much is too much?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Social Media and Identity Theft

Reports out this week show that there has been an increase in identity theft because of social media.  Because many consumers now have technology with them wherever they go (iPhone, iPad, iPod, smart phones, etc...) there is more connection with social media.  And how many things do people share on their Facebook and Twitter accounts?? It is the identity thief's paradise...all the information they need about a person in one place! Yikes! So, as Yahoo! suggests, be careful, use secure passwords, monitor accounts (Facebook, Twitter, bank, etc...), and report it right away! 

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Monday, February 13, 2012

Whitney Houston (1963-2012)

With the too-soon death of Whitney Houston, it seemed fitting to see how the world of consumer behavior is affected by something such as this.  The first place to turn to it to iTunes.  As seen below, 9 musical items of Houston's (either a single, music video, or album) ended up on iTunes' Top 10 lists.  Of the top 10 items trending in Yahoo! right now, 4 have to do with Houston. 

Consumer's are obviously mourning the loss of an icon; and the way they remember her is through her music.  It was no doubt that her songs would top the charts again.  With a voice such as this, there is no better way to pay honor to her than to buy her songs and sing along (although none have a voice like her). I wouldn't be surprised if there is a new release of a "limited edition" The Bodyguard (or maybe, at least, RedBox will stock it this next month).

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Now that football's over...

I saw this product on Yahoo! News.  It is called Pillow Talk.  The idea behind it is that you wear a ring, your significant other (who is gone on vacation, a business trip, etc...) wears a ring too. Your ring will send your heartbeat to a pillow that they have; their heartbeat will be sent to a pillow that you have. That way, it sounds like they are right next to you when you cuddle with their pillow. Odd? Maybe. Innovative? Yes. See for yourself.  Your thoughts?
The inventor created this product after to fill her own need while her significant other was off on an oil-rig.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Well here are some fun facts about the Super Bowl to keep you entertained before you watch the game OR while you watch the some 5 hours of pre-game shows!!

 The fifth search trending on Yahoo! is Chicken Wings!

And our favorite friends, the TSA, will also have a part of the game: training personnel (including hot dog vendors) to spot terror threats!
So as 111 million people watch the game, or well have the TV on to the Super Bowl, think about the number of flights of stairs you will have to take in order to work off the extra calories!

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